Articles on: Discounts

Discounts: Shopify Functions and Shopify Scripts

UpsellPlus offers two types and you can choose which one to use. Think about it this way:

Do you have just 1 upsell product for which you want to offer a discount > use Shopify Functions discounts
Do you have multiple offers and multi product upsells with discounts > use Shopify Scripts discounts

Shopify recently released Shopify Functions for Shopify Plus brands. One ability of Functions is to run automated product discount codes.

As Shopify Functions are still new, it comes with limitations. As of February 2024, Functions can only apply 1 discount per checkout. This means that you can only discount one upsell product with a Functions discount. A bit more from Shopify:

"Shopify Scripts will continue to work on checkouts that are customized with checkout.liquid and on checkouts that have been upgraded to checkout extensibility until August 28, 2025. Shopify Scripts and Shopify Functions can be used at the same time in a single store. If your scripts can't currently be replaced by using Shopify Functions, then continue to use Shopify Scripts until the Shopify Functions APIs meet your needs."

If you require multiple upsell products to be shown and added to cart with an automated discount, we have to use Shopify Scripts.

Shopify Functions discount

Shopify Scripts discount

You can easily switch between the experiences with the 'Switch to Functions/Scripts' link.

Updated on: 19/04/2024

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