Articles on: Auto recommendations

Introducing 'Autopilot': Upsell random products by collection

If you want UpsellPlus to offer different products from a specific collection to your customers, the new Autopilot function is the best option.

Autopilot: Show random items from a collection

The Autopilot function will show random products from the selected collection whenever the upsell is triggered. It’s possible for a customer to see different products if they refresh the page and if you have many products.

Some things to consider:
Contrary to the ShopBrain option, Autopilot will show the products inside the collection even if you have less than 40 products.
Autopilot is available for the following upsell types: Product page, Cart Drawer, Post-Purchase and Checkout.
On Post-purchase offers it will only show one random product from the collection added.

This is a great option for brands who want to manage their upsell products from a Shopify product collection, rather than in the UpsellPlus app. Add and remove products to the collection you want to upsell and Autopilot will recommend from that collection.

Updated on: 03/12/2024

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