Articles on: Checkout

How to enable Shopify Plus checkout.liquid customizations

If you want to customize your checkout, you’ll need two things:

Be on a Shopify Plus plan

Enable access to your checkout.liquid theme file

‍The second step is an important one. Without enabling access to checkout.liquid, you can't customize it.

The app will show an error when you try to choose a position for the checkout upsells, as your theme file isn't accessible.

‍To check if you have access, go to your Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit code > Layout > confirm you can see the checkout.liquid file.

checkout.liquid in your theme files

If you don’t see the checkout.liquid file, click ‘Add a new layout’ > select ‘Checkout’ and give it a name > Create layout.

If you click ‘Add a new layout’ and don't see an option to add 'Checkout', this means you don't have access yet.

‍Requesting access

Reach out to your Shopify Account Manager or Shopify support ( Send them a quick email that says: ‘I want the checkout customizations enabled.’

Shopify usually does this within 36h.

‍Once the customization is enabled, you can go to the Settings tab in the app and choose 'Checkout.liquid offer position'. Choose a position and click 'Save'. Now the upsell will appear in your checkout.

Go ahead and check it in incognito mode to see the result!

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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